Spring is here, and it's time to tame the weeds!

As weeds grow quickly, the Ripagreen team offers you several solutions to fight against their invasion and to tame them.

 · 2 min read

The long winter has finally come to an end, and the beautiful days are back.

And as weeds grow quickly, the Ripagreen team offers you several solutions to fight against their invasion and to tame them.

First of all, let us explain how thermal weeding works:

Simply exposing a plant to heat that can raise its core to 80°C is enough to destroy it. This exposure will destroy the cells inside the leaves. This destruction stops the conversion of light energy into energy for the plant and thus leads to its death.

Depending on the type of plant and soil, heating increases its ability to regrow through the stress developed during the temperature rise and the fertiliser generated by the ashes of too much combustion.

In this way, we anticipate the growth of future weeds in the spring and make the most of the summer period.

With these explanations, the Ripagreen team has developed several products, with the aim of adapting to all your needs:

The Easy kit, which consists of an ergonomic trolley holding a 13 kg gas cylinder and its thermal lance, which can be adapted for “comfort” weeding in push mode or “precision” weeding in mounted mode. The different configurations it allows, combined with the power of the pulsed hot air, will offer you great working comfort and record adaptability.

The Easy + kit, which consists of the Easy Pack cart and lance and the ergonomic Ripagreen® harness. You benefit from the autonomy of a 13 kg cylinder and the possibility of working with one hand. This means you can cover large areas with unparalleled comfort.

The Mobility kit, which consists of an innovative ergonomic harness that accepts all types of “small format” gas cylinders (5 to 6 kg of propane) and the light and handy Mini thermal lance. The power of pulsed hot air is thus combined with a highly mobile system to work quickly and safely.

The Autonomy kit, which consists of a modular chassis that secures the bottles, an automatic hose reel with 15 metres of hose and a handy, lightweight lance. Thanks to this module mounted on your vehicle, there are no more limits to your ecological weeding work.

Spring is the best time to take action so we can best enjoy the green spaces during the summer period !

Ripagreen Thermal Lances act to prevent photosynthesis, which reduces weed growth and is fundamental to Integrated weed management.

Contact Kersten to chat about your requirements.

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