A new greener way to ship Kersten products

We are moving away from wooden pallets and stocking more inventory in order to increase the speed of supply and reduce our carbon footprint.

 · 1 min read

New Reusable Steel Stillages

For many years we have been shipping our equipment on wooden pallets. The time has come to start to wish the pallet a happy retirement and send him off with his gold watch. We have been in discussions with our suppliers over the last few months and determined a more efficient way to ship and stock products in our Warehouse. - Reusable steel stillages.

Why Stillages?

  1. The stillages are stackable - This enables us to get much more product on a lorry than pallets, which are not easily stackable. Increasing the economy of deliveries from suppliers and to our customers.
  2. The stillages take up much less space in a warehouse, allowing us to keep increased levels of inventory - so it's available on demand.
  3. Steel Stillages are much longer lasting and can be reused again and again. 

Please return them to us!

Kersten bring you one step closer to a greener future!

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