
The Kersten Hycut Hybrid Mower

What an intelligent mower could look like

 · 2 min read


  1. Low Running Costs / Economical

  1. Acquired Legislation & Safety

  1. Requires Less Energy

  1. Downtime Prevention

Considering the aspects that matter most to our customers, the mower offers a great finish with low running costs. The machine can travel up to 250m without needing the charging input from the motor. One of its amazing abilities is that it can easily climb inclines of up to 55 degrees. So are the intelligent motors that work in tandem, slowing down the tracks when needed to allow the blades to work through denser vegetation and in both directions.

CAN bus System

Thanks to the CAN bus radio control system Kersten created an advanced mower with a built in reliability. It features a dual layer Telematic system- the Customer Portal and Service Portal. With a range of up to 300m, the mower carries out self-diagnostic tests during operation. An error code will appear on the remote control so you can take immediate action and prevent further damage. Probably the most impressive feature is that this data can also be shared via mobile data connections, including all important, current and historical information such as location, working speed, working inclination, machine hours, etc. from any day since the machine left the factory.

Low Running Costs & Downtime Prevention in One

The 48v sealed lead acid type battery bank is charged from an onboard generator, which is powered by the engine. That sole use ensures the engine is not burdened with constantly changing loads.

The Intelligent Hycut Mower

As can be seen in the pictures, the Kersten Hycut can regulate not only its speed but also its power. The machine doesn't mind switching from tall, dense grass and adjusting power in short grass.

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